Jake Paul Isn’t on Ster*ids, Logan Claims: ‘He’d Probably Get Caught at This Point’

Logan Paul has once again defended his younger brother Jake against persistent allegations of PED use, offering a straightforward explanation during a recent episode of imPaulsive.

During a conversation with Joe Weller on the podcast, Logan addressed the ongoing speculation about his brother’s physical achievements. When Weller directly asked, “He’s not taking any ster*ids, is he?” Logan responded definitively: “No. No. I mean, he gets tested and it’s always negative.”

The elder Paul brother added a logical perspective to his defense, stating, “I feel like 10/11 matches in, you’d probably get caught at this point.”

These latest comments come amid continued speculation about Jake Paul’s physical transformation since entering professional sports. The scrutiny intensified before his recent match with Mike Tyson, when rival Dillon Danis pointed to apparent acne on Jake’s face as potential evidence of enhancement use.

New York-based physician Dr. Stuart Fischer weighed in on the discussion after viewing photos, describing them as “definitely suspicious” and suggesting that Jake is “certainly not, I suppose, put under the same sort of scrutiny as a professional athlete.”

However, Jake Paul has consistently maintained his innocence regarding these allegations. In a notable attempt to prove his credibility, he even submitted to a lie detector test when questioned about performance enhancement use. According to reports, the machine indicated truthfulness when he answered “no” to questions about such actions.

The controversy continues to follow Jake Paul as he advances in his career, though both Paul brothers remain firm in their stance against these persistent accusations.