🚨 BREAKING 🚨: NFL Referees Union Released A Statement On “Preposterous And Insulting” Theories of Favoring The Chiefs on SUPER BOWL 2025 | HO

In a shocking (but not entirely surprising) move, the NFL Referees Association has spoken out about allegations that it favored the Kansas City Chiefs in the 2025 Super Bowl.

NFL referees union responds to conspiracy that they favor Kansas City Chiefs - Footballscoop

“These theories are absurd and offensive!” the league said in an official statement. “We are professional and fair referees, and we would never intentionally favor any team.”

Of course, the league didn’t stop there. It also threatened to sue anyone who made false accusations about it. “We will not tolerate anyone attempting to tarnish our reputation,” the statement continued.

NFL Referees Union Released A Statement On "Preposterous And Insulting" Theories of Favoring The Chiefs - Daily Snark

Reactions on social media were mixed. Some praised the league for “standing up for the truth,” while others criticized them for being too “sensitive.”

“The NFL Referees Association should focus on improving the quality of their work instead of worrying about what people say on social media,” one Twitter user wrote.

Super Bowl 59: No, NFL referees aren't helping the Kansas City Chiefs

“I agree with the NFL Referees Association,” another wrote. “It’s unfair to accuse them of bias without evidence.”

It’s unclear at this point whether the league’s threats will stop people from making accusations against them. But one thing is for sure: it’s sparked a heated debate on the issue.

And in a related development, some fans have begun to float new conspiracy theories about why the NFL Referees Association made the statement. “Maybe they’re trying to cover something up,” one Reddit user wrote.

We’ll continue to monitor this story and update you as more information becomes available.